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Understanding the triangular theory helps people navigate their own loving relationships. For instance, recognizing when a relationship shifts from romantic love to companionate love can...
Emotionally unavailable people often struggle with vulnerability and intimacy. This unavailability can stem from various causes, such as past trauma, attachment styles, or fear of...
Respectful discussions about sex should be a normal part of a healthy relationship, not a taboo subject. It plays a significant role in building trust,...
While ghosting is infamous for its abrupt nature, caspering offers a friendlier approach to ending things. Let’s dive into what these terms mean, how they...
Understanding what constitutes as a date is crucial in dating. For some, it might be a formal dinner, while for others, it could be a...
The word “partner” is becoming more and more popular in modern relationships. But what does a partner truly mean in a relationship...
Breaking up with a narcissist is not like ending a typical relationship. Their ability to charm and deceive can leave you emotionally drained, questioning your...
Understanding men in relationships can sometimes feel like deciphering an unspoken language. By understanding male behavior, their emotional needs, and what makes them feel deeply...
Post breakup recovery involves several steps. First, acknowledge the emotions you’re experiencing. It’s completely normal to feel sad, angry, or even relieved. Give yourself permission...
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Many people unknowingly exhibit signs of self sabotaging behaviors, such as pushing away a partner due to unresolved fears or low self esteem. Recognizing these...
When we think of a narcissist, we often picture a self-centered person obsessed with admiration and validation. However, qualities of narcissist when we're talking about...
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