دراسة SoulMatcher: مقارنة عالمية لتكاليف الطلاق في جميع أنحاء العالم

دراسة SoulMatcher: مقارنة بين تكاليف الطلاق في جميع أنحاء العالم

Yan Bogdanov
Yan Bogdanov, 
 صائد الأرواح
قراءة 3 دقائق
ديسمبر 18، 2024

Divorce is rarely easy, but it’s a reality for many. In 2023, around 50% of first marriages ended in divorce. The rate climbs to 67% for second marriages and 73% for third. Beyond the emotional strain, the cost of divorce varies widely by country and case complexity.

The Difference Between Uncontested and Contested Divorces

Factors That Affect Divorce Costs

Time: The longer the case drags on, the more expensive it becomes.

Complexity of the Case: The more disputes, the higher the legal fees. Cases involving high-value assets or international jurisdictions can be particularly costly.

Lawyer and Court Fees: Rates for lawyers and court filings vary by country and even by region within countries.

Mediation and Expert Fees: In some cases, hiring mediators or financial experts to assess assets adds to the overall cost.

How to Minimize the Cost of Divorce

Divorce Costs: Countries Arranged by Divorce Price Range

Most expensiveCountryUncontested DivorceContested Divorce
1سويسراCHF 2,000 to CHF 4,000 (€2,100 to €4,200)CHF 10,000 to CHF 20,000 or more (€10,500 to €21,000)
2الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية$500 to $3,000 (€480 to €2,860)$15,000 to $30,000 or more (€14,300 to €28,600 or more)
3SingaporeSGD 1,500 to SGD 3,000 (€1,050 to €2,100)SGD 10,000 to SGD 50,000 or more (€7,000 to €35,000)
4South KoreaKRW 1,000,000 to KRW 2,000,000 (€660 to €1,320)KRW 5,000,000 to KRW 20,000,000 or more (€3,300 to €13,200 or more)
5Japan¥100,000 to ¥200,000 (€600 to €1,200)¥500,000 to ¥2,000,000 or more (€3,000 to €12,000 or more)
6المملكة المتحدة£500 to £1,500 (€420 to €1,240)£10,000 to £50,000 or more (€8,270 to €41,330 or more)
7استرالياAUD $1,500 to $2,500 (€900 to €1,500)AUD $10,000 to $30,000 or more (€6,000 to €18,000 or more)
8جنوب أفريقياZAR 3,000 to ZAR 7,000 (€160 to €370)ZAR 15,000 to ZAR 50,000 or more (€800 to €2,700 or more)
9فرنسا€800 to €1,500€3,000 to €10,000 or more
10ألمانيا€1,500 to €3,000€5,000 to €15,000 or more
11ايطاليا€1,000 to €2,500€5,000 to €15,000 or more
12اسبانيا€600 to €1,500€3,000 to €10,000 or more
13هولندا€1,000 to €3,000€5,000 to €15,000 or more
14DenmarkDKK 2,000 to DKK 5,000 (€270 to €670)DKK 15,000 to DKK 50,000 or more (€2,000 to €6,700 or more)
15NorwayNOK 2,000 to NOK 5,000 (€170 to €425)NOK 20,000 to NOK 50,000 or more (€1,700 to €4,250 or more)
16السويدSEK 1,500 to SEK 3,000 (€130 to €260)SEK 15,000 to SEK 40,000 or more (€1,300 to €3,500 or more)
17بولنداPLN 1,500 to PLN 3,000 (€350 to €700)PLN 5,000 to PLN 15,000 or more (€1,170 to €3,500 or more)
18روسياRUB 1,500 to RUB 5,000 (€14 to €46)RUB 20,000 to RUB 50,000 or more (€180 to €460 or more)
19تركياTRY 2,000 to TRY 5,000 (€55 to €140)TRY 10,000 to TRY 25,000 or more (€280 to €680 or more)
20البرازيلBRL 2,000 to BRL 5,000 (€320 to €800)BRL 10,000 to BRL 30,000 or more (€1,600 to €4,800 or more)
21المكسيكMXN 10,000 to MXN 25,000 (€450 to €1,250)MXN 30,000 to MXN 100,000 or more (€1,350 to €4,500 or more)
22كنداCAD $1,000 to $2,000 (€670 to €1,340)CAD $7,000 to $20,000 or more (€4,650 to €13,450 or more)
23GeorgiaGEL 500 to GEL 1,500 (€170 to €510)GEL 3,000 to GEL 10,000 or more (€1,020 to €3,400 or more)
24أوكرانياUAH 1,000 to UAH 3,000 (€23 to €69)UAH 5,000 to UAH 20,000 or more (€115 to €460 or more)
25بيلاروسياBYN 100 to BYN 500 (€27 to €137)BYN 1,000 to BYN 5,000 or more (€270 to €1,370 or more)
26Finland€250 to €1,500€3,000 to €10,000 or more
27بيلاروسياBYN 100 to BYN 500 (€27 to €137)BYN 1,000 to BYN 5,000 or more (€270 to €1,370 or more)
28روسياRUB 1,500 to RUB 5,000 (€14 to €46)RUB 20,000 to RUB 50,000 or more (€180 to €460 or more)

A Better Way to Avoid Divorce

While no one can predict the future, choosing a compatible partner can reduce the likelihood of divorce. That’s why SoulMatcher focuses on psychological compatibility.

Take your choice of lifetime partner seriously. By understanding key psychological accentuations, you can build a strong foundation for a lasting relationship.