
Matice kompatibility šesti typů

Discover your personality type compatibility in SoulMatcher App.

Identify your psychological accentuations type in the SoulMatcher App and click on the 6-personality compatibility chart or select any two types to explore their compatibility.


Click On Each Match To Learn More

Low quality:

Relationships with serious problems, conflicts and lack of emotional intimacy. An anxious-avoidant type of attachment prevails in such couples, which is not conducive to establishing a trusting, deep relationship.

Medium quality:

Relationships with frequent arguments and misunderstandings, lack of emotional connection and poor communication. An anxious and avoidant type of attachment is characterized, where the desire for closeness is replaced by feelings of insecurity and rejection and estrangement.

Good quality:

A healthy relationship with good communication, mutual respect and a happy emotional connection. A secure type of attachment and mutual trust is characterized.

Excellent quality:

Exceptional relationship with deep reciprocity. A secure type of attachment and mutual trust is characterized.

How the Compatibility Chart Works

Our 6-personality compatibility chart reveals the most and least compatible matches for each personality type. Simply click on any square to learn about specific relationship dynamics. We’re constantly updating with more insights daily! SoulMatcher is your go-to hub for personality and love insights, with extensive resources tailored to each personality type. Not sure of your type? Try our SoulMatcher app – a unique dating platform designed to foster love and friendship through personality compatibility.

Can Personality Types Reveal Compatibility?

Ever noticed someone listing their 6-personality type on a dating profile? That information can actually be quite useful in identifying a good match! Knowing both your personality type and theirs offers a quick way to gauge if someone could be a potential soulmate or just another mismatch. And personality compatibility isn’t only helpful for singles; understanding how different personalities interact can be even more valuable in a relationship. That’s why we created this interactive 6-personality compatibility chart—your quick guide to finding a compatible match and deepening your relationship insights.

Why Knowing Your Type Matters

Your personality type acts as a shortcut to understanding yourself and helping others understand you. It reflects the unique lens through which you view the world and the way your mind processes information. This insight is invaluable—not only for self-awareness but also for creating stronger, healthier relationships. Ultimately, knowing your personality type empowers you to communicate what truly defines you to those around you.

The Feeling of Being in a Compatible Relationship

When you connect with someone who seems to be on the same wavelength, it’s often because your personality types are compatible. Some call it “vibing,” but we call it true compatibility. When personalities align, there’s an ease in understanding each other, making you feel genuinely seen and appreciated for who you are. In contrast, the feeling of being misunderstood or out of place, even in a crowd, often signals a lack of compatibility. Explore our interactive 6-personality compatibility chart above to discover the types that best align with yours!

Our Approach to Personality Compatibility

At SoulMatcher, our compatibility scores are rooted in a thorough understanding of how different personality types interact. We go beyond simple descriptions and stereotypes, delving into the cognitive patterns that shape each type. By referencing highly researched and reliable sources on personality dynamics, we base our insights on real-world observations and data. Our model evaluates five essential aspects of compatibility: attraction, communication, friendship, partnership, and passion. This detailed analysis allows us to accurately predict a relationship’s potential strengths, weaknesses, and overall success, making our 6-personality compatibility chart one of the most trusted resources available.

The Myth of a Perfect Match

In the SoulMatcher system, no pairing achieves a perfect 100% compatibility. High compatibility doesn’t promise a fairytale ending or guaranteed attraction. Every relationship, compatible or not, can reveal inner challenges, as unresolved emotions often emerge within close connections. While knowing each other’s personality types can create a strong bond, true, lasting love requires self-awareness and personal growth beyond compatibility alone.

Does Low Compatibility Mean the Relationship Won’t Work?

A low compatibility score on our 6-personality chart doesn’t mean it’s time to call it quits. Compatibility is complex, and personality type is just one piece of a much bigger picture. Even within personality types, there’s so much more to who we are. In fact, understanding each other’s types can improve communication and ease conflict, helping you better appreciate your partner’s unique perspective. While low compatibility relationships might need more effort, they can also be deeply rewarding, offering meaningful opportunities for growth if both partners are willing to learn and adapt.

How to Find a Compatible Relationship

Now that you’ve explored our compatibility chart and discovered who you’re most compatible with, you’re ready to meet your match! SoulMatcher, our dating app, makes it easy to connect with people who align with your personality type. Available globally on both Android and iOS, SoulMatcher lets you find someone nearby or across the world who truly understands your unique perspective. Experience a relationship where you’re loved for who you are—download the SoulMatcher app today!